A Timeless Encounter
One Street: Market Square, Shipley #102
No words necessary here. The picture pretty much tells the whole story. I love that.
Good news. I'm feeling much more myself. The cough is still very annoying but I appear to be getting my head back. It's only now that I'm improving that I'm coming to fully realise how rough this last week has been. I've actually been able to think today and get some real work done. I've also booked some flights. Some things are more important than deadlines! It's so good to have something to look forward to.
Thanks for the fantastic comments and the hearts for yesterday's unusual shot. It wasn't complete luck. The fact that there was no car parked in front was lucky perhaps but I spotted this guy walking down the road from some way off. I saw the shot in my head and jogged twenty yards to get in position. I think a lot of the skill of street photography is about anticipation. And that comes with just getting out there with your camera and being alert to opportunity. It gives me a great buzz.
Long day and I need to eat. Hopefully back a bit later to try to catch up with a few of you.
PS It might look like I was skulking in the shrubbery here but there really wasn't enough to hide behind. Honest!
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