So true

I went to aqua aerobics. It's blinking changed since I last went. They use dumbell floats etc. it was great fun though but hard.

Took pops shopping after then did some more packing.

I put a status on fb that my fryers sent me because I'd commented on hers. Well the response I got was amazing. Basically you have to choose one of about five status updates sent to you and if anyone likes it or passes comment then you have to send a private message explaining the game.
I put 'just used my b**bs to get out of a speeding fine' It was great to see people liking it and commenting especially my good friend on here Bee.

Can you imagine if that could work. My hubby was more bothered about the speeding ticket than the possibility if getting my breasticles out :-) not sure how to react to that.

Good thing that happened today -

Seeing that people actually read my fb statuses.

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