I got lost in thought and the first thing I knew..
I rode by this guy and started laughing. I thought he looked like he was singing one of those loud bar songs or at the least OOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma!!!!!
I started to take these pictures and after the 7th the memory was full. I forgot to load a card.
I got back into the car and remembered one was in the back pocket of the pants I wore yesterday. One was in my PC and the other in Ingrid's (my music partner) movie camera.
Mr. M was NOT amused. He is very orderly and.......I am finding things I packed for lunch 6 months ago in the bottom of my purse.
My husband is the most patient man in America. While we were driving along the bay his hearing aid batteries went out. He heard about every other or every third word I spoke, so he either thinks I am the biggest moron or the smartest woman in the world. I am going with the latter.
I think he identifies with Walter Middy far too much.
My goal today was to find Hawaiian shirts at Goodwill (a charity shop for those of you from away)
I did find a few.
Thursday night we are singing at the Dogfish Bar and Grill for the opening of a show of paintings for one of Ingrid's friends. God that's a long sentence.
We have our tiki bar sign and now our shirts. There is no way around a Hawaiian shirt. They all look like someone ate skittles and a mai tai and threw up all over it.
in other words people;
we be stylin'
I think I will have to blip us Thursday night.
Tomorrow is my annual review at work. Speaking of wanting to throw up.
Please send good thoughts my way tomorrow afternoon!
until then, rock on with your bad selves
This guy needs these
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