Autumn Bike Ride

So impressed with Tyler today. I said i didnt really want to use the car again today, to save on a bit of petrol, But he was desperate to go into town to get the free lego set with the Daily mirror... (They are giving 12 sets away over this week and next... Free lego.. How could we refuse?! lol!)

I suggested we could bike to town (which is a good 6 miles away) i told him it is quite a long way, and as he's only recently learnt to ride his bike he might struggle a bit, i thought he'd change his mind, but nope... He went to the shed and got the bikes out, and was ready & rearing to go!

I half expected to get a couple of miles down the road, and get ear ache from him about sore legs, or being too cold, or too tired etc... but didn't hear a peep from him... he loved it! It did take slightly longer that it normally does, but we've not had anything else to do today, so who cares! He did it, I'm impressed with him and he's amazed and quite chuffed with himself too!

What a lovely day! =)

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