Strike that. Reverse it!


Earth laughs in Flowers!

Love is a Flower, youve got to let it grow.

Another busy day today, I really didn't think I'd get through today. A full working day then governors meeting all on 2 hours sleep but I made it, without dropping off. I'm determined to sleep tonight which means it could be another no sleep night. Seem to have far too busy a mind at the moment need to switch off somehow. Which actually brings to mind the Christian meditation which was mentioned at the governors meeting. I really can't imagine children as young as 5 meditating but they do and its being very effective in the school so perhaps I should give it a go.

So far this week has been pretty good with so much achieved and some amazingly proud mummy moments. Actually strike that, this year has been pretty good so far. Here's hoping February is as good :0)

Am waffling again so will sign off, hope you've all had a great Wednesday xxx

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