Simpson's Story

This plaque adorns the old home of Sir James Young Simpson.

Simpson was a medical man who made it his mission to find a drug that would enable him to alleviate the pain suffered by his patients (especially in childbirth).

This mission led to him experimenting on himself and his assistants first.

On 4th November 1847 Simpson and his colleagues met at his home, to inhale potential new anaesthetics. It was the first time they'd tried their latest creation - chloroform. In two minutes they were under the dining room table. When Simpson came round he declared, "this is far better and stronger than ether, it will turn the world upside down"

However, the Scottish church had other plans. They declared that he was interfering with the "divine plan" and that by artificially putting people to sleep they were making it easier for "the dark powers" to overwhelm them.

They were especially furious that Simpson was trying to save women from the pain of childbirth, quoting Genesis-:

"In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children".

Simpson fired back his own quote from Genesis:

"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof."

Luckily the overwhelming response was in favour of Simpson and when Queen Victoria used chloroform during the delivery of Prince Leopold then its use was no longer in question.

And who resides in Simpson's house now?

The Church of Scotland of course!.

(Thanks to AJ for the inspiration)

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