Too much information

Today I succeeded as a father only in as much as I managed to keep Dan and Abi fed and alive. Apart from that, I was ill and they pretty much entertained themselves.

That said, in the afternoon I perked up enough for Dan and I to take a stroll up to Booths, as I felt that I wanted some fresh air, plus we needed food.

Across the road from Booths, they're building a retirement home and these are the gates. I can't help thinking that this is an unnecessary amount of signage. If you work on a building site, you presumably know to wear high vis, a hard hat, protective footwear and so on. And what about "Place all rubbish in bins provided" and the surely common sense "Fire regulations must be observed at all times"?

By putting all these signs up, any really important ones, ones that aren't common sense, simply get lost.

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