"I did drawing, Mommy" xxx
Eva has a new tooth coming through. It's the top one to the left of her 2 front teeth, to balance out the one that's already coming through on the top right. So this is tussie number 6. Touch wood, it doesn't seem to be causing her too much grief, but she has wanted her dummy (num nums) more today, and that's made her dribble quite a bit.
Today's nursery Daily Diary entry...
Date: 29/1/14
Key worker: Debbie, Buddy: Natalie
Parent comments: cake, picture
Breakfast: weetabix (ate 2 spoons)
Snack: pear
Lunch: pasta bolognaise followed by yoghurt
Tea: sandwiches and fruit
Bottles: am 5oz, pm 5oz
Sleep: 12.05-12.55pm
Nappies: 10 w, 12 ch, 2 w, 4 w
Activities: Eva had fun making marks onto the Chinese New Year horse.
When I arrived to collect Eva at 5.30, Debbie had her wrapped cuddled in her blanket on her lap, as Eva had dribbled so much on her vest, Debbie was trying to get it dry on the radiator. We just put a clean, dry one on her in the end to bring her home.
It was a little boy's birthday in the baby room today, so Eva also came home with a little cake which I completely forgot to give to her after dinner, so she can have it tomorrow.
Today's pic is the pic the nursery took and attached to her daily diary of her drawing with a felt tip on her horse. It's her very first time drawing with felt tips and I think she's done an amazing job. I've brought the picture home and will treasure it always. xxx
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