Another Walk in the Park

While it stayed pretty cloudy and cold today it did at least stop raining. I saw the gritters are out this evening so ice must be expected overnight. As I was heading out this evening in a generally Western direction I though I could stop off at Hazelhead Park in search of photographic inspiration.

A walk around the park gave me several shots and I decided to opt for a piece of art. Well in this case maybe I use the word art fairly loosely , but I guess that is what it is. After all if it is on display it must be art.

Obviously a visit to the cafe was obligatory. It was busy, all the tables were occupied. A mix of mums, babes and pensioners. The sound level from the pensioners to my left very successfully suppressed any noise that may have being coming from the babies to my front. When the pensioners left it became much quieter, and it turned out neither babies nor their mums had been contributing anything very much to the noise level.

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