
By merja

Not for the picture

But for the story:
Today was again one of those "norm-research-scientists-days"... Waking up at 5AM, getting to the airplane at 7AM... Approaching Brussels... 20 minutes before landing the captain starts:"Hi, it's your captain again. Things are changing fast. Instead of cloudy weather, it is sunny in Brussels. And, just slightly worse news... The airport is very busy, and we should just keep waiting and flying around for one hour. But, since we did not know this when we started, we don't have enough fuel. We are going to land in another airport instead".
Well, so we did. In the Belgium countryside (yeah, there were mainly fields around), place called Liege. Just to get more fuel, and fly in to Brussels then.
BUT (and this starts to sound like I'm making up the story now....)
It was not possible to get the fuel. The local fuel company did not accept any international credit cards they had in the cockpit... People were already joking of collecting cash... (Which would not have taken that birdie far, I guess). Well, finally, after more than an hour waiting, they got some kind of confirmation from Finland, telling that it is ok to sell the fuel, and Finnair is able to pay for it...
So after all, I made it to Brussels. And even made it to my meeting.
Evening return was much less exiting, and I got home by midnight. Good night everyone!

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