A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bush Theatre

If today was a graph it would start in the bottom left hand corner with little sleep and a hard slog of a webinar delivered by 9.30 am.

It would then start to pick up a little meeting a friend for coffee and a too short catch-up.

It would rise further as Magic Esther worked yet further wonders with my tight hip flexors and misaligned back. Dipping only briefly when the room got a little warm and I thought I might faint. Which was the point I remembered I hadn't yet factored food into the day. Magic Esther produced a banana and I was able to get home without further incident.

The afternoon mainly plateaued as I ploughed through minimum brain required activities with a peak during a two hour Skype meeting with a business associate in the States and another one when the kids came home.

The evening stayed pretty high with a trip to the Bush Theatre with some good friends to watch Ciphers. Amazing staging and acting but I'm still not sure about the last ten minutes.

Home and now blip and bed. Which is sort of a steady slide down but is also a bit of an up as I am very confident of a good deep sleep tonight.

Lesley x

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