Rodents rule

By squirk

Spy anything unusual?

Thank you to Fred for telling me about this bliportunity. He stopped at this junction on the way to work and noticed the upside-down For Sale sign, then he looked closer.

It's part of an art installation called Miner on the Moon by Alex Chinneck. A lady asked what I was taking a picture of. Soon, she was also snapping away. It's amazing what you don't spot sometimes.

The FEAST meeting tonight was most productive, chatting about how to recruit volunteers and why FEASTies stay FEASTies. We all told our stories of why we decided to volunteer. We have three new FEASTies, one who joined us just tonight, and it was interesting to hear their point of view as to what they thought of the meetings so far. The FEAST itself doesn't begin until April, so now's the time for planning and building on knowledge learned.

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