Garage door with a hole

It's not my garage door but I did spot on it on one of my two walks today. Yes, that's 2 small walks hopping along on my crutches :-)

A far cry from just over a year ago but I'm happy to take the progress. It can only get better.

Today was a day where I shed a few tears for Mum. I do miss her. And that's just the way it is and you have to ride the roller coaster.

I also managed to pick some lettuce, wash and bag it for use over the next few days, and pull out a few plants that had gone to seed. All a careful balancing act as is watering the garden. I can see the hose could be a right old tripper-upper to the unwary on crutches. So far so good :-)

Then I have a little rest after all that exertion.

I start back at work half time on Monday. Taxi chits from ACC are still to be sorted but they have all day tomorrow not yet touched. Unless of course they really do want me to ride my bike with a cast ;-)

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