
By eseifried

My Sweet Mom

I love Valentines Day. I only dated one boy before Grant, so it wasn't because of any significant others. I didn't like chocolate as a kid, so it wasn't the sweets. I think it's because we got to craft a Valentines mailbox at school each year. And because my mom made it an extra fun holiday.

She's a great celebrator and is really good at making even tiny things, smaller than holidays, a big deal.

I remember one year she gave me and my brother and sister a little gift every day leading up to Valentines Day. Nothing huge, but it was the fact she thought of celebrating the whole week rather than just one day. I mean, I still remember it.

She knows I grieve over the current distance between me and a Hobby Lobby, and the fact that we don't have a shipping address. She also knows how much I love to craft and decorate for any occasion, especially a holiday. She heard about some visitors coming to this side of the world and jumped at sending some treats and treasures.

And that is exactly what she sent!

I'm currently obsessed with Aidie's Hideaway -- an Etsy shop that makes beautiful felt garlands -- but since I don't have a shipping address to order one, or a craft store to buy my own supplies, my sweet mom sent me what I needed to craft my own. Does it get any better?!

Happy early Valentines Day indeed! Let the crafternoons begin!

Ps, I've clearly swung to the opposite side of the chocolate spectrum from when I was a kid… I finished the other half of that dang-good Italian chocolate bar today. #NOselfcontrol

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