Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


So we get over a bug and the teething starts again. Sadly we are not taking it well this time, I'm hoping it's a sign they are going to break through soon (pls!!!)
We are doing rubbish bottles but are actually eating quiet a bit.
Our napping had improved but Elliot had a bad nights sleep waking several times before 12!

MIL has successfully p'd me off she rang Mr L whilst we were bathing the boys so he didn't answer. The house phone then rang and we left it ring. I then went to check who it was as we were worried that if it was MIL something was wrong. As I was dialling 1471 there was a knock at door!!
Yep you guessed it MIL!! She has been told not to just drop round (with out prior notice/invite as she turns up at the most inappropriate moments) or to ring after 6 as we are bathing and putting the boys to bed at that time and it quiet time.

She'd popped round to drop off some hats she bought for the boys.
They don't need hats! They are horrid and are completely wrong size she really doesn't understand that they are not the correct size for their age as they were six weeks prem.
It's quiet time after bath when boys are having their bedtime bottle no noise, low lighting and they are fed in separate room it keeps them calm and means they go to sleep better. But no she sits there trying to talk to Mr L and fuss over Isaac (who Mr L was feeding) then decides to come in and disturb me feeding Elliot. Just to say I'm not happy! And I'm getting pretty fed up with her actions and attitude.

I'm also upset with Mr L I have been considering my future, whether to go back to work or not or maybe re train.
I have once again started looking at midwifery it's something I first considered at 15 (my mother directed me else where in my thinking), I applied to do it about 6 years ago with no success but have seriously been considering it again for a while. When I told Mr L what I was thinking he basically told me I wouldn't be able to do it and didn't have what it takes.
After realising how much he upset me he said he wasn't being serious and he'd support me whatever I choice to do.

To be fair he hurt my feelings quiet a bit and not for the first time of late.

I'm finding being a mum of twins rather hard, stressful and lonely at the mo and could really do without being knocked when I'm already feeling down.

On a plus side the boys have just woken from a 90minute nap, finished their bottles and are playing nicely on the mat (how long that will last I don't know)

Still can't see any bloody teeth!!!

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