a door of happiness

By brianckl


Hong Kong people on the eve of Chinese New Year doing one of the two things they're best at: spending money (the other being making money). I'M ONLY KIDDING — please don't send hate mail.

Frankly I am tiring of this city. It's not a bad place, but it's just not home. I miss my old friends, whose friendship I count in years rather than months (although my new friends are great — hi!). I'm increasingly aware of the transient nature of my stay, so I don't feel settled or that I belong here. And it's so crowded everywhere — on trains, malls, parks, streets, every public space. Sometimes I look around, searching desperately (and looking rather weird) for a friendly smile from someone who isn't engrossed in his or her phone. Sometimes I get one — but that connection is ever so fleeting.


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