Wo die Blumen sind

By Rebelblume

Running for her life

Today I used the old Zenith 12XP Russian analogue camera that a friend lent me, for the first time. I'd also bought an adapter (M42) so I could put the lenses that go with it on my digital reflex camera, so exciting! The lens is a 58mm prime lens so that would make it about 80 mm on my camera, and has great light. These lenses can be bought or found for next to nothing. This Blip is taken with it but I was about 30 mrs away.
The poor pigeon here only came to see if there were chips left over for her and her family and the horrible couple kicked and screamed at it. I have never seen a pigeon running! Poor thing. I hope they were tourists and will be gone soon (the people that is!)

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