Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Hello I'm taking over mummies journal today, we've all had to listen to the stupid dog moan on and on and on..... boring.

This morning me and my brother WooWoo got to outside for some binky time, binkies outside are soooooo much better than binkies indoors. Only it was all a bit weird, very cold and grey and then white fluffy stuff started to fall outside. It was fun. WooWoo and me raced around and had jumping competitions while mum was getting impatient, she called and called and we ignored her until we were ready.

We all then shared biscuits with mummy which was nice.

Mummy says we've been getting up to mischief today, but honestly we haven't.

Then mummy left us to do something called a tax return, apparently we couldn't help, but I recon I so could.

This evening I have been helping mummy with her crochet, but she seems to think me nibbling on the wiggly stuff and the shiney pokey stick is not helpful!

Oh well I will soon be time for sweeties and then bed, I wonder if there will be any more of that white stuff? Mummy did seem excited about it, she videoed it for instagram bunstagram.

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