Growing old disgracefully



The tulips on the windowsill are past their best, but even in their dying throes they are so lovely.

Felt quite a bit better this morning and managed to get out and tidy up the cabbage patch for 20 minutes of so before coming all over flaky again and taking to my bed. This virus has been such a bore.

Transatlantic news is that hopefully our son is having his ankle surgery today after an accident at work two weeks ago. There have been a lot of medical and logistical complications, including difficulties getting to hospital and fracture blisters caused by the force of the shear. These blisters mean that surgery has to be delayed to avoid infections. I am so thankful that we have the NHS, live 15 minutes from a hospital, have reliable transport and are not hemmed in with ice and snow six months of the year. If you are going to have a complex ankle fracture, don't have it in the prairies.! There have been moments when I felt I would have to hop across the pond and kick ass, but thankfully he has good friends around him who have supported him through this mess. Now for the long convalescence.

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