Rainy and cold again today but it wasn't quite so wet this afternoon so I popped down to the village. Went to the bank and Tesco. Wasn't many folk about.
I made some soup. Split pea soup. It was tasty. Huge pan of it which will keep me going for a couple of days.
Forum challenge today is collage. Well I did have a go at making a collage with photos on the computer. Did one on Picassa - saved it - and it has disappeared off the face of the earth.... well its nowhere to be found on my computer. Had another try on Photoshop. I downloaded a free trial of this and don't really know what I'm doing. Made a collage, saved it but when I tried to get it on blip I found it wasn't in jpeg format. So I gave up.
This shot is of the gladioli flower which I caught at the Theatre Royal last Thursday - thrown by Dame Edna. Everyone in the front rows got one to wave about while she/he sung the final song. It survived the journey home and is still looking fresh. I gave the shot some HDR treatment. ( At least I'm capable of doing that.)
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