She's got the whole world in her hands

Managed to Facetime No 2 this evening. She looked happy. She only managed an hour on the slopes today and then didn't feel well. However after resting for the rest of the day in bed, and dinner, - she had her makeup on and was in the 'pub'.

She wants to go to Aviemore when she gets home (I'll have to have words with my snowboard - mad brother !). Last day of skiing for her tomorrow.

No 1 is planning her trip to Africa in the summer. There are some changes to the itinerary.

No 3 is studying the Antarctic in school. She was delighted when Mr S showed her a book of Frank Hurley's photographs taken 100 years ago from the Shackleton expedition. Amazing book. How he managed to carry all the gear, develop his glass negatives (Colour AND B&W) and still manage to escape from the ice packs - is an adventure in itself.

When I was a youngster, you thought travelling to Cornwall on holiday was out of this world. Now, we are well versed in trips abroad. The world is getting smaller, travel and communication easier (however I WISH my techno-phobe sister in OZ would skype!).

Our global children have the world at their feet.

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