Chill Pill
Evening all,
So i'm strolling along, minding my own business ( well, actually I was creeping down the footpath trying to get in position to get a decent photo of the plethora of baby lambs littering the footpaths) when it became noticeable that the temperature had dropped considerably.
On further investigation, the source of my chill was identified as coming from my now bare bonce..
this was a problem as it meant i'd lost my beloved "almighty" beanie.
I point out here I lose beanies all the time, usually it's my therapy? beanie. This has become something of a running joke with the guys who sell the merchandise at the therapy? concerts, so much so that whenever they clock me heading their way they automatically pick up two beanies and wave them at me with a knowing smile on their faces.
But, the almighty aren't going anymore, and this is an item of memorabilia/ clothing that I should've "retired" to my musical keepsake drawer.....(don't ask)
I was distrait, a disaster of overblown proportions, so I turned with heavy heart and cold of head to go back home when I spotted it...
it had been plucked from my head by a light fingered tree branch and was being waved around like some kind of prize.
Thieving tree, must have been a hip hop fan!
night all
warrior soul
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