
By Angelique


Not any more you can't. Has anyone else noticed how expensive it's getting to buy the usual bird food. I'm sure every time I purchase peanuts or sun flower seeds, they've gone up in price.

However, I have digressed. This is my little Chaffinch unfortunately taken through the conservatory glass. I was surprised it came out at all but I know it's not as clear as you experts!

Staggered into work and managed 3 hours. Just as well I did, as there were a number of things that needed input. Plus I wanted to make sure I knew about the action in the last 3 days before Sir departs for his skiing holiday with his mates.

After that I've wrestled with some more glass cutting for my new Tiffany lampshade. A very kind friend who lives accross the way, very kindly took Phoebe out for a late run with her dog and she came back all excited.

Beginning to talk a little better but still no singing voice. I now only have 1 week to learn a new song and be able to sing it!

Hope your Thursday has been good to you. We've had no rain again today. That's two days in a row - wow. The weekend is in sight and I'm collecting Matthew tomorrow for a special weekend treat. We're off to Bristol Hippodrome to see West Side Story. It's my favourite musical. It inspired me when I was just 14 and knew that's what I wanted to do!! Oh the dreams of the young.

Have a good nights sleep and rest. I know I need it.
Sending hugs to you all - x

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