Song For Saturday

By willmoran

First day in London. Nice quiet train from Preston to Euston, only slight problem in that it took 45 extra as we had to take a detour around Warrington as there was unfortunately a fatality there. This detour did mean, however, that I was on the first Virgin Pendolino on the new electrified part of the railway, fancy that. 3 hours to central London still isn't bad like. Hadn't really planned to anything in London, just wanted to see friends I hadn't in a while, drink nice beer and coffee and maybe visit a few exhibitions.

Arrived at Euston, tried to link my Oyster card to my young persons railcard but got that I needed to register my card first. Cue me going to the wonderful Euston Tap for a quick half whilst I filled out the form. Realised after filling in that it needed to be in black / blue and not the brown pen that I was writing in. Cue me thinking that I'd have to explain how I was colour blind and didn't realise as it was dark yada yada yada (I didn't have to in the end.)

Topped my Oyster up as I was registering it and made the quick tube journey to Oxford Circus and headed to Kaffeine ranked no. 4 on my London Coffee app. Had a tasting flight made up of an espresso, cappuccino and a cascara as a palette cleanser, which is a sort of a cold tea like thing made using coffee cherries. Was lovely. Texted around to get people to meet me at the Draft House on Goodge Street when they had finished work as I was really close to it.

Arrived at Draft House only to realise it was too small / busy to have a good catch up. Got a half of some porter and then sat on the bench outside whilst trying to figure out what to do. Got told that Convent Garden was where people usually meet up so that was the new plan. Finished my drink, then went got to tube via a quick stop at Eat. as I realised I hadn't had anything proper to eat all day.

Met Trev outside the Apple store and started to try and find a place to drink at, got a text from Paul telling me him and Tom where nearby and then waiting till they caught up with us. Decided to go to the Lemon Tree which is becoming something of a local for the others. Lou then arrived about half an hour later. Had a good catch up with everybody, managed to get a table upstairs after a while as well.

Then people had to leave to get trains and such, so I went to Lou's as I was staying there. Got the bus like a proper Londoner. Drank some mulled JD thing I'd bought and then spent a while just chatting.

All in all a good day.

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