B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT


What a winter it's been... all this ice has forced the road crews to put down a crazy amount of salt and sand. This is appreciated when driving on slippery conditions, but not when the roads are clear and your car has taken on a new color.

My jet black car was looking like a reverse zebra/cheetah mix. Grayish white spots with white streaks along the sides. I was nearly desperate to see out my side windows once again and my headlights had dimmed weeks ago.

Today, while in Skowhegan, I saw my opportunity. The car wash was only a couple cars deep, and knowing I had a few minutes before I needed to be at the school, I joined the rest in line.

If for only one day... my car is black again, the windows are clear, the headlights are bright, and my taillights visible. Hooray for the car wash!

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