Halloween Party

The spooky muffins featured in yesterday's blip formed part of the spread at today's Halloween party that was held at Grace's friend Gabrielle's house. I am in utter awe of Gabrielle's mum Lisa, who only gave birth to a little boy three weeks ago tonight, and yet still hosted a fab party, with lots of food and an immaculate house. I shouldn't think I'll be in any fit state for such shenannigans for a while after Bump arrives! There are now EIGHT kids in our little group of five mums, soon to be nine kids of course...luckily Lisa has plenty of room at her place for everyone. Actually, the space was a particular boon after the spooky muffins, scary jelly and cauldron cake were consumed for pudding and the toddlers went beserk for a good hour. Sugar rush central! Grace didn't sleep at all this afternoon she was so wired. Oops!

Costume note: I was going to dress Grace in her pumpkin outfit from last year, but she flatly refused to wear it. Her first fashion decision. Luckily. I had this black and gold witch's dress handy that I'd bought from an NCT sale earlier this year. She looked very sweet, even though the outfit was a bit big! :)

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