Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

The Meadows

Not straying far from home at the moment, but I did have a wander through the Meadows on the way to the Docs earlier. Lovely to get some fresh air and very pretty even though it was pretty soggy!

Am definitely getting out of the house properly tomorrow bad back or not! I'm so fed up of daytime telly, I found myself actually watching Jeremy Kyle this morning. Argh. That man makes me so cross. Those people.... I had to switch it off altogether and go back to bed with my book until I felt cheered up enough to sit on the sofa again. Don't even start me on Eamon and Ruth on 'This Morning'. *shudder*

Its not a terribly inspired blip today I'm afraid....but I like the trees :o)

Other possibles -

Leafy Light

Don't Cross The Line

More Rowans

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