
Sebastian and his mum are visiting me so we made the compulsory visit out to the Red Barn for lunch. While we were walking along the path Sarah spotted this tiny frog and managed to rescue him before a duck could have him for dinner.

He sat on her arm for a while and I managed to get a few photos. Not my best work as I didn't have my macro on me, and didn't have time to head back to the cafe and get it because Sebastian was being mugged by a roving group of maniac ducks and we had to rush off to rescue him.

This wee guy is only about an inch long - I'm blowed if I know how Sarah even spotted him on the stony path. This is my favourite shot because of the texture it shows, but I've put another in my blip folio too that gives a better idea of just how tiny he is - here he is sitting in the crook of Sarah's elbow .

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