Words ...

I can't yet tell you what the words say on the sign but I do know some of the sounds. I photograph these signs so I can take them to my class and find out. I feel my photography skills are going down the pan at the moment. Mr A does not ilke me to keep stopping to take photos. He just wants me to be present and I can understand that but I do grab a photo every now and then and that is what they are - grabbed photos! Nevertheless this was taken just after we had our breakfast in a little shack opposite. I will get a photo of that soon but it is dark inside . I would like to get a photo of the owner in the doorway as he has such a toothy smile and rarely shows it!

Anyway Kerala is the state with the highest level of literacy in the whole of India and you can see that . especially in the mornings when just about everyone is reading the newspaper. This is the local electricians centre. if there are any telegraph wire problems which there often are as the palm leaves drop down on the lines often.. they did at our house.. We get a newspaper here hurled into the driveway every morning .. The Hindu but written in English! A great paper - we love it and a good crossword.

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