Summer Breeze

Finally finished this quilt. I have been sewing this for a long time. I would estimate that it has been at least five years in the making.

It was started as a way to fill time when waiting for Daughter when she was at her various activities. Once I started blipping I would be more likely to go for a wander with my camera if the light and location allowed. However, I still continued to work on it from time to time.

It seems apt that I finish it now. In a few short weeks Daughter is considering giving up dancing. Drumming lessons are few and far between as her teacher feels she no longer needs his instruction. Voice lessons are close to home and only last half an hour. Drama is her main passion and will continue but she seems to be branching out and is becoming more independent. I may still have to give assistance reaching her location but don't always have to hang around. There is a sadness that she needs us less but exciting that she is gaining her independence and moving onwards towards her goals.

As tradition dictates, once finished, a quilt should have the date it was made and a name embroidered on the back. This one I have named Summer Breeze.

Go large to enjoy the garden.

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