
By weesnorrie

Orasay Island South Uist...

Well....coming off St.K. was a tad hairy.....EVENTUALLY they decided it was a goer and our super duper pilot Jay, came out late afternoon to pick us up.....very bumpy out of the bay.... and then because of the high winds we ended up flying home skimming the waves as it was too windy up above.....
Was supposed to be on the ferry on Sunday but the gales put a stop to that.....Monday???....no...more gales and now they have blown themselves out the Ferry will arrive from Oban tomorrow and I finally get to go home !!!!
today however was glorious sunshine with a bitter easterly....no matter it was on with the winter gear and off down the beach with the art rucksack and I managed to get a few paintings done before my hands froze off. This beach is glorious and stretches about 23 miles....to the left of the picture and just out of sight are the hills of Barra.....lovely.

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