Snapping Aboot

By rxpell


Reading through a marketing email from the Edinburgh Bike CoOp I noticed that they had a "voluntary recall" in place for resin pedals shipped on bikes between April 2012 and December 2013 :

"We have become aware of some issues with plastic/resin pedals fitted to bikes sold by Edinburgh Bicycle Coop between April 2012 and December 2013. If your pedals are affected we would ask you to stop using them immediately. We would be happy to replace them free of charge in-store or arrange to have a replacement pair sent to you."

Had a dig about in the garage today and found the sole survivor of the pair I got on a bike I bought then. The companion of this one disintegrated on me on a ride after under 200 miles riding. I let the bike shop know at the "free 6 week service" (back in 2012), but didn't get any replacement then so surprised its taken them this long to recall.

Yes I know they are only resin "delivery pedals", and of course I have a heap of other fancier ones, but items supplied should be fit for purpose.

Surprised that they haven't contacted the people who bought bikes directly, but rather tucked this message in the lower reaches of a marketing email.

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