Sorting her garlic cloves

I had just taken a picture of this old woman sorting her garlic cloves at her doorway when her friend appeared - they had a quick chat before the friend hobbled off down to the temple.
The Mosque loudspeakers were fairly vibrating today – when there is a sermon/talk there seems to be a lot of ranting and harsh words being hurled at those inside and far and wide outside. Boys in beautifully white clothes were going in, for instruction I guess. I spent some time visiting various hotel gardens overlooking the lake in order to get a decent photo across the water of the huge City Palace that dominates the skyline. I was sent packing by one guard at the entrance to Leela Palace Gardens – he looked me up and down and asked whether I was a guest. I said I wanted to go in and have a drink and look at the garden but he decided I was not fit to enter his 5* accommodation and told me it was rather 'costly'. Now, when I get asked for rupees by boys riding posh bikes I ask them if they are beggars – obviously this was not quite the same thing but obviously |I was the beggar in this case – I shall have to up my game and get an outfit made that is more suitable and get my hair cut before I try again! The lovely old man who asked for rupees when I took his photograph a few days ago recognised me and held out his hand and made merry comments to two men nearby as he held my hand very firmly. He posed again and didn't ask for alms which was so lovely. I'm spoiled for choice again for my blip but you'll find the old man here with some pics of the Palace etc.

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