Turning the Corner

Our next door neighbour has been renovating a church. It is a self-build. I've blipped his endeavours a couple of times before.

There are a number of kinds of self-build. Ours was to give the building a plan, specification and some money. He then got on with it.

John the Church approach to self-build has been literal. He has built it himself. But he has had to call upon specialist help from time to time. So he can drill holes in the stone a precise distance apart and to the same depth. He can cut long rods of steel into pieces of exactly the same length. He can buy spikes and weld them to the top of the rods. He can place the rods in the holes in the stone and fill it with molten lead.

He couldn't bend the flat piece of metal to connect them altogether. That had to be done by a blacksmith.

He has one more section to complete and he is ready for the local authority to sign it off. They've been driving him round the bend.

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