
By Tinks

Mucking About!

Had a bit of a chat with Croz yesterday about lenses. It's my birthday in 3 weeks and I just know Jamie's going to ask me what I want, so thought it would be good to think about a new lens so I was fully equipped with an answer when Jamie asked me! I pretty much knocked the nail on the head though when I said 'I suppose I ought to learn how to use the ones I've got first!'

Years ago we bought an SLR camera and a 70-300mm lens with Macro at 300. I decided I would have a mess around with it today.... nothing daring, just in the garden whilst Archie was napping. I tried it out on a whole load of different subject, near and far, in different modes. I had a whale of a time!

I've quite obviously got a heap to learn but I'm really enjoying the mucking about!

I might ask for an external hard drive for my birthday instead. It'll probably take me 'til Christmas to master this one, then Santa might bring something cylindrical and expensive!!

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