Strike that. Reverse it!


Happy Chinese New Year!

Year of the Horse so I thought I'd take a photo to celebrate the Chinese New Year. When I decided on my blip I didn't realise it would spend all day throwing it down and a five minute quick blip would result in a drenched through Gem. The things we do for Blip.

Day off today but it hasn't felt like it. Haven't had two minutes all day, not even chance to eat yet. Mikey was in the golden book this morning. So it was lovely to go and see him in receive his certificate. Then party food shop with Caroline. Caroline's son Daniel and Thomas are having a joint birthday party tomorrow. Their birthdays are a week apart so they would be having a party on the same day so it made sense to have a joint one. This way they could invite all the class. I then had to do our big food shop and pick up the last bits for Tommy's birthday.

Rounded it off with a lovely after school soft play date with a very lovely friend and her two boys.

A really good day but a little too busy. Hope you've had a good Friday xxx

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