Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

What's hidden in the attic?

Some of our old AV equipment was still stored in a warehouse. While the church was being knocked down and rebuilt, we stored all our AV euipment in the warhouse.

Everry Sunday for 2 years, we were there at 8am to pick up the equipment, take it down to a school and "build a church". We even set up an induction loop every week for the hard of hearing. It was then all torn down at 8pm and taken back to the warehouse for 8:30pm.

Those were two long years.

Unfortunately the warehouse may be closing, so we had to pick up the stuff we left behind. As no-on was watching - we stuck it up in the attic of the new church. It'll probably sit there for then next 30 years un-touched?

Day 4 of office bound week, and the meetings were back to back from 8:30 - 6pm, Although it is interesting how childish you can get in business. A compeditor (which can't be named for legal reasons) is playing a bit dirty. So we'd love to beat them by providing just the best solution without stooping low.

Fingers crossed that valour will win the day.

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