rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

nice bush!

could really tell it was friday today!
highlights of the day = mini eggs, cheap rose, good run, getting better mark in plant ident, listening to my new dawn chorus cd and being transported to another place!
lowlights = walking round in the driving sleet to look at twigs for an hour and a half, hands so cold i couldn't hold my brew, getting nervous about my assessment next week (have been told i will be assessed on my arch nemesis - the hedgecutter - nooooo! and will now spend the weekend practising when i should be revising - double noooooooo!), having a bit of a fml moment when talking to coursemates about my journal/technology problems, being asked what i was doing on valentines day followed by 'will u be sitting in, eating icecream and crying?!' ouch u bastard!!!

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