Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


Today, I headed out at lunch and the weather was glorious - beautifully bright, sunny and warm. I loved it. The good weather put me in a great mood and I was determined to blip something different. I drove for a while and ended up at a school near a small pond. There were tennis courts nearby and a long forgotten tennis ball lay on the ground. I tried to experiement and create something visually interesting with the ball and the pond. What we see here is the ball resting on a railing that is next to the pond.

I took numerous angles on this image and also considered posting this one. I chose this photo because I like how the board draws you into the picture and into the background of trees, leaves and water. I purposefully chose a smaller aperture to enable the viewer to more easily comprehend the background.

Post processing:
Tweaked saturation and contrast in DPP

Constructive criticism always welcome

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