
By LeeRoo


Saw Once at the Phoenix theatre this evening. I really loved the film, although it has been a long time since I've seen it. There was much discussion after about whether the film or musical is better. My friend B felt more connected to the musical. I didn't find it quite as emotionally engaging as the film but it was pleasantly different (more comedic than I remember).

In the interval the onstage bar opens up for business and we couldn't help it, we had to try it. Drinks are served in these branded beakers and we were ridiculously, childishly excited about them. You do pay though - a glass of wine in in one of these was £7! I loved the fact that the beaker can be closed up (it's just like a travel coffee cup) so you can put it in your handbag. I hadn't quite finished mine so put it in my bag for the journey home and you know what's coming next...it turns out the beaker is a bit leaky and now my handbag smells quite overpoweringly if red wine and is a bit soggy. No significant damage to contents that I can discern though.

And now I have a confession. I've got my blips in a twist! Yesterday's blip should actually be Wednesday's blip but it was late and I didn't check the date when I posted so it's a blip blunder. I have a backup blip for Wednesday though so I will put it right and will also catch up with comments and journals over the weekend.

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