
By lubelle

Ma-Fi Arts

Ma-Fi stands for Mathew and Fiona.
They run amazing children's art classes and have this fantastic space in King Edward Court. Izzy started art classes here when she was about 4 years old and was throwing pots (not at me!!) when she was five.
What you can't see is the potters wheels, mask making and carpentry / woodwork areas.

Fiona's a very dear and special friend.
You can probably make her out in the background.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend even if the sun's not shining.
Thank you for yesterdays wonderful comments!!!

Don't be
dismayed at good-byes.
A farewell is necessary before
you can meet

And meeting
again, after moments or
lifetimes, is certain for
those who are

- Richard Bach - 'Illusions'

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