Don't Ask!!
I don't have an answer....but has something to do with promotion for a Maize Crop drama presentation later in the month, valentines night in fact!! I got a phone call late last night to see if I could be a backup photographer....much more than I ever thought, very difficult at times and took more hours than I was saying that I guess I could say it was an experience and take my hat off to the make up artist - she was amazing and had five girls all made up in different & outrageous face paint, a real talent. Not only did we photograph in the maize paddock (spiders, eck) but we traveled many miles to an old homestead and vineyard for lots and lots more. I got home very late :(
On a brighter note, we went out for breakfast this morning, then for a very enjoyable walk around the bay and cliffs. Soon after we got home two of my young friends from working days came out for coffee (and wine)......oops!!
And.....its our 45th wedding anniversary today and two out of three of our children rang, that's so nice. Also, two our our wedding party.....wonderful friends, we are so fortunate, they are like family :)
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