Ted at the Signal Box!

We stopped off at Brierfield signal box to take a blip as I think it is Railtrack that is trying to pull it down.

It has been there since 1876 and after the Second World War two of my uncles worked there on different shifts. One of them was in India during the war and could speak Urdu so when people came to work in the mills from there and Pakistan in the 50s and 60s he could speak to the children who used to play around the area.

While I was with Ted taking shots this man stopped me and said that there are plans to save the signal box through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Pearl the company which is saving the mill are trying to include it in their restoration of the mill plans.

This is the link to the mill blip I hope. http://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3704596 1/12/13 is the date if it doesn't work.

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