A is for Aircraft

This is one of Jim's models, which has been around quite a few years - before airfix type models arrived in the house, it is made of wood.

Trying to get motivated to use Jim's camera, the camera had been sitting in the cupboard for over a year, but I just would put it back. I chatted to a friend and she asked me if I could take a photo of the first thing that had come into my head and had to be done that day! AND at the same time I had said plane as conversation went into deaf mode as I was outside under the flight path of planes coming into land at Edinburgh.

So it was decided I had to take an aeroplane, which was hard as I didn't have the camera with me, so this wee model was the star of my previous excursion into trying to photograph everyday things. Thank you Jane for helping me out.

But used wee camera today, and trying to go at least once a week out with big camera - I'll get there. I still miss my own big camera for film.

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