
By Shutterlag

Fishing Match

It seems that quantity rather than quality (of fish caught) wins the day.
Pole fishing came to this country some years ago from the continent and this modern method of fishing seems to be very effective.
I wonder though, how the angler would be able to cope with a large fish on the end of his very expensive pole and short length of elastic.
In my day, there was much joy to owning a beautiful split cane rod and centrepin reel, as well as the control this combination gave over a fighting fish.

These days, I fly fish, and the same joy can be had with a quality "Hardy" or an "Orvis" set up.

My cousin is also a keen fly fisherman, and uses the cheapest gear he can lay his hands on and still catches much more than me.

Like the Photographer, its not all about the kit you have, its what you do with it that counts..

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