Eight days late!

This was the blip I hoped to be able to do for my 500th blip but thanks to Direct Line Insurance!

Thanks to my brother who very kindly offered to transfer the money to my account this morning we were able to go and pick up the cars we put a deposit on a couple of weeks ago.

DL were due to send the money yesterday but nothing, now they say next Thursday but I don't trust them any more. Fortunately although Geoff and I work different times we work at the same place so we have been compromising with him starting at 7.15 rather than 6.30 and rather than me being in at 8.00. Next week 'normality' will resume.

We are lucky that we have two cars as where we live there is no public transport so we would have had to hire a car.

When we went to look for Geoff's replacement car, following the flood incident on Christmas Eve, we test drove the Fiatas well, and it made us both smile so my car was traded in for it. So we now have a really small and a really big car.

Anyway making a claim was nothing like the TV advert where they say they will help you to find a replacement etc and make the settlement within five working days.

Thank you for Simon for helping and enabling us to feel a lot less stressed x

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