Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Size 10's

I don't always notice bird feet, but when I do, I'm struck by how interesing (and large) they are. To me, it's clear to see the connection between dinosaurs and birds - it's all in the to0tsies.

Quick blip today. We have some friends arriving this afternoon for several days so I'll be mostly offline. Dinner tonight will be chili with sweet potatoes instead of legumes. A very tasty recipe and perfect for a winter day.

As I predicted, the grackles are gone today. The temps are in the high 30's and some of the snow cover is melting, so they've no doubt gone off to some farm field to nosh on old corn or grains. Making me glad that I blipped one yesterday - and many, many thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts.

My FIL is still in the hospital. He's not at all happy about it and is letting everyone know. However, until the docs find out what's wrong with him, he'll stay there. Nothing is ever easy, is it?

Later, people...


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