
By CafeMistblick

Mr. Peregrine Percival - The thin Controller

This is a very suspect Bee Blip but had to find a reason to keep the Journal from being closed down.

MrB paid his unannounced monthly check to audit the bee hives. Well at least he cast a glance in their direction. He was on the way to his bees to do some branch clearing so that more sun & light gets to the bee house.

I had texted him yesterday, (he works In Memmingen), as I had heard hours of radio with constant reports that the train station was closed due to a possible bomb. Asked him to go and collect his left luggage! He hadn't heard the news and was a bit perplexed but luckily he knows me.

Caused chaos, no trains and the bomb squad had to come out from Munich where they are on highest alert as the "Munich Security Conference" with Heads of State, Defence Ministers is in full swing.

After 3 hours a young lady on hearing about the events, suddenly realised she was missing her rucksack!

Bees and I passed the audit, now we need spring.

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