It's not the size... It's how you use it

"It's not the size... It's how you use it."
Austin Powers

Of course in here I'm thinking about cameras... ;-)

Good photos can be taken with small cameras too! :)
I should have thought about that when I took the big camera with me today, which was the wrong decision. The bit of sunshine I saw in the morning really confused me, that's why... The weather was pants after that...

I had to go to the cake shop to buy a few things for the cakes I'm making in a couple of weeks, and I decided to do that after going to the gym. So, after the gym and my trip to the cake shop, I was carrying my gym bag, the big camera, my bag with my purchases and an umbrella. Not easy to take photos like that... Next time I'll be wiser and I'll take the small one instead! :)

I had to go to Tesco's to buy all the ingredients I need, but it's raining too much and I can't be bothered, so I'll do that tomorrow first thing in the morning. According to the weather forecast it shouldn't be raining, we'll see...

Not much more happening today.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my flowers yesterday. I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

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