Time to Travel

Today was bright and cold, and by late afternoon, very windy too. I feel as if my New Year plans have been pretty slow to get going - a number of reasons for that. Today I did a bit of preparation for a plan I have hatched, by going to Leeds. A local arrangement means I can use my bus pass on certain trains, within South Yorkshire, and even into West Yorkshire. This gives me a springboard to travel towards North Yorkshire and beyond…
I used to go to Leeds quite regularly at one time - for work and shopping, but I haven't been for a few years now. There were more high-end shops than ever. Nice to look at, but a bit overwhelming. I noticed that there were quite a lot of unoccupied stalls on the indoor market which made me wonder if this was due to the seeming polarisation of the Have's and Have Not's which seems to be the trend at the moment.
This clock caught my eye near the station. It looked like an Art Deco creation, but sat incongruously atop a very modern multi-story car park.

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